All Hands on Deck: P2P Distribution Combats Latency to Speed Delivery

UPDATE: JFrog’s Private Distribution Network and P2P capabilities capabilities are constantly being enhanced, and are currently undergoing major improvements. PDN is, as a result, not available for public sale at this time. If you’re interested in exploring PDN capabilities in your own company, please contact your sales representative or email service AT With any huge …


5 Best Practices for GoLang CI/CD

For developers programming in long-established languages like Java, JavaScript or Python, the best way to build continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) workflows with Artifactory is pretty familiar. A mature set of dependency management systems for those languages and container solutions like Docker provide a clear roadmap. But if you’re programming your applications in GoLang, …

Taking Control of App Releases

Today’s software users have rapidly evolving needs, are mobile, and expect 24/7 connectivity and reliability. So dev teams need to churn out new features and versions frequently to keep up while still making sure that service is not interrupted. Sounds like a tall order, but fail to do so, and users switch to competitors or …