Get started with Advanced Security scanning with the JFrog Platform

Install the JFrog Platform which takes approx. 10 minutes

1. pick your installer

Existing Artifactory User

Minimum System Requirements: 8 CPU, 24 GB Memory, 300 GB Fast Disk (3000+iops). External Ports: 8081, 8082. Requires Root access.


JFrog Advanced Security is supported by K8s:

  • Helm

    • 1. Add the to your Helm client.

    • 2. Update the repository.

    • 3. Install the chart with the release name jfrog-platform.


JFrog Advanced Security installation options with K3s in a box are available in our documentation.


Setting up for a production environment? See the full installation options.

2. Access the JFrog Platform

  • a
For Example: http://localhost:8082 or

JFrog Artifactory and JFrog Xray will take about a minute to start up.

Log in using the credentials provided in the trial email and follow the onboarding wizard to apply the licenses found in the same email and set a base URL.

3. Get Started Fast

Get Started With The JFrog Platform