One Source of Truth for AI Models and Software Assets

Align NVIDIA NIM consumption with enterprise DevSecOps best practices. The JFrog Platform serves as the secure, single source of truth for NVIDIA NIM usage alongside every other binary asset.

Ensure Integrity
From Download to Production

Start with models and components secured by NVIDIA and ensure they remain secure and compliant with your orgs policies across their lifespan with JFrog Curation, Xray, and Advanced Security.

Optimize AI Performance,
Minimize Developer Effort

Take advantage of your existing tools, processes, and cached, pre-built model images optimized for NVIDIA hardware. Bring secure, reliable, high performance AI to production fast without the hassle of building it from scratch.

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Frequently Asked Questions

New to JFrog? Start free with JFrog here
New to NVIDIA? Join the NVIDIA Developer program here

JFrog Pro license or higher
NVIDIA AI Enterprise account

Yes we do, JFrog supports air-gapped environments