Transformers ‘21: Manisha Sahasrabudhe, Director of Product, JFrog

As we continue our series on JFrog “transformers” in honor of International Programmers Day, we introduce you to Manisha Sahsrabudhe, who transformed  her career as a software programmer focused on code, to becoming an entrepreneur co-founding a continuous delivery company, Shippable,  to Director of Product at JFrog. Shippable, a DevOps automation platform that easily connects DevOps tools and activities to streamlined workflows that enable Continuous Delivery, is now a core offering in JFrog’s platform. Manisha’s ingenuity is helping companies on their devops journey. 

What inspired you to pursue a career in DevOps?

My journey towards DevOps started with a pain I felt every day, motivating me to find my own solution. I didn’t choose DevOps – it chose me. I was a developer for the first decade of my career and was always annoyed at the amount of time it took to ship a feature from the time it was implemented. By the time we received customer feedback, we had long moved on to the next thing. 

As software processes evolved it became clear that companies that could innovate the fastest had a massive competitive advantage. This realization inspired me and Avi Cavale to co-found Shippable in 2013. I went from programmer to entrepreneur – we built a product to help companies innovate faster by automating software delivery workflows from code to production – DevOps.

What’s been your proudest career moment so far?

It’s not one moment – but my proudest achievement is co-founding Shippable. We started from a germ of an idea, and the journey from there on still feels surreal! It’s been an eight year journey – from being part of Techstars Seattle, building out the product, gaining customers and revenue, raising venture capital money and building a team, being on a bunch of top five lists and named an IDC Innovator, and finally joining with JFrog to work towards the vision of liquid software – but it feels like one long, exhilarating moment. 

What is your vision for the future of technology?

Technology is evolving faster than ever, but no matter what the broader trends are, you need to release software updates faster than your competitors. Covid has also thrown a curve ball and most companies are now forced to embrace remote work as the new normal. DevOps and automation is going to be more and more important to preserve agility, while still embracing new technologies and processes. 

Investing in DevOps today will solve a lot of pain points that are felt today and will be felt more acutely in the future. 

Want to learn more about the DevOps toolkit or hone your current skills? Visit JFrog Academy and browse our course catalog. If you’re ready to join these Frogs and many more in their mission to transform the way we work and live, visit the JFrog careers page.