Bintray Blog

Increase your Maven Package’s Exposure by Adding it to JCenter

If you already distribute your Maven packages via Bintray, your packages can gain further exposure by including them in Bintray’s JCenter! (if you are not very familiar with Bintray’s support for Maven, please refer to the user guide and to my previous post). JCenter is the repository with the biggest collection of Maven artifacts in …

Bintray Blog

Hot on Bintray: Package Merging

UPDATE: As of May 1, 2021 Bintray services will no longer be available (ConanCenter and JCenter are not affected) for more information read the Centers Deprecation Blog We have recently introduced package merging: several packages from the same repository can now be merged into one. This is extremely useful when you have existing packages that …

Fronting Oracle Maven Repository with Artifactory

This post was originally published in The Buttso Blathers blog by Steve Button. Feel free to comment here or there.   The JFrog team announced this week the release of Artifactory 3.5.1, which is a minor update that now works with the Oracle Maven Repository. I spent a little while yesterday having a look …

Artifactory – Community Talks

We’d rather have our customers and users be the gauge of how well Artifactory met their Continuous Integration needs, rather than have you listen to our opinion.These are busy days for the froggers getting ready to release 2.4. The buzz is out there and proudly we can see more and more talks that cover Artifactory as …

To Build or Not to Be – Seminar Videos

JFrog’s Continuous Integration and Build Seminar “To Build or Not to Be“, took place on July 1st, 2010 and was a big success.The sessions of Kohsuke Kawaguchi creator of Hudson and CEO of InfraDNA, and Hans Dockter creator of Gradle and CEO of Gradle Inc are now available online.Watch now the videos of “Gradle – A Better Way To Build“.and “Doing More with Hudson“   …

Building an Enterprise Repository with Artifactory

*The content of this blog is a translation of a blog posted in Portuguese by Diego Pacheco.*I clearly recall experiencing DLL hell while working predominantly with Microsoft products. We suffered from dependency issues back then and we still suffer from them today.When I started working with Java I suffered from a similar development concern. The specifics are a little …

Empower Hudson with Artifactory – Track and Replay Your Build Artifacts

Overview In this blog, I will demonstrate how to integrate Hudson with JFrog’s Artifactory repository manager to have full build-to-artifacts traceability. We will use Artifactory plug-in to deploy the Hudson build artifacts and track them back to their original build. Keeping the history and reproducibility of code is a must-have for any modern project. Using one of the different …