Embrace your Updates

Embrace your Updates

As developers, we’re passionate about creating and delivering high-quality software to our end-users and customers. Simply knowing that our software was shipped, deployed, and is being used is a great achievement. And it looks like we did a good job. Everything around us in our lives depends on high-quality software. Software needs to run for …

All Hands on Deck: P2P Distribution Combats Latency to Speed Delivery

With any huge task, more helpers make it go faster. That’s the solution large organizations increasingly seek for deploying large applications to hundreds of nodes. When others pitch in, many hands make light work.  JFrog is pleased to introduce Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Distribution to help deliver content to huge K8s cluster runtime environments efficiently and at …


5 Best Practices for GoLang CI/CD

For developers programming in long-established languages like Java, JavaScript or Python, the best way to build continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) workflows with Artifactory is pretty familiar. A mature set of dependency management systems for those languages and container solutions like Docker provide a clear roadmap. But if you’re programming your applications in GoLang, …


A Cloud Platform for Defragging Devops

Many software organizations see DevOps as the silver bullet that will streamline their delivery workflow to help them produce software faster than ever before. So they start looking into the tools they will need, and then reality hits like a jab to right cheek. It starts with source control, goes on to CI/CD systems and …

Visually Managing Your Container Delivery Pipeline with Nirmata and Artifactory

We’re always happy to make new friends, especially when their technology plays so well together with ours. Introducing Nirmata Nirmata is a cloud service that fully automates application management on any public or private cloud. How? Nirmata lets you visualize your container delivery pipelines and build them via easy to use, intuitive interfaces. This is …

The 5 Big DevOps Changes to Expect in 2017

Thoughts from the CEO desk 2017 started off with a DevOps bang; an enormous amount of capital was poured into DevOps technology companies by VCs, and larger-scale adoption of tools and methodologies was approved in this year’s IT budgets with the recognition that DevOps is a “must-have”. These changes follow a Gartner Report from 2016 …


[Podcast] Artifact Repositories and Continuous Delivery Pipelines

Version control is one of the top two predictors of deployment lead time, deployment frequency and MTTR. Why is it so important for DevOps organizations? During JavaOne last September, I participated in an online panel on the subject of Artifact Repository, as part of Continuous Discussions (#c9d9), a series of community panels about Agile, Continuous …


[Podcast] How to Achieve Continuous Software Delivery Using DevOps Tools and Methodologies

Listen to this podcast recorded at JenkinsWorld 2016 in which Fred Simon and Sacha Labourey talk about how to achieve continuous software delivery using DevOps tools and methodologies including Mesosphere, Kubernetes, Vagrant, Docker, and Swarm.  Learn why JFrog Artifactory is the leading Universal repository manager that helps your teams automate the development processes and expedite …

Introducing First Class RubyGems Support in Artifactory

Here’s a short and down-to-business screen-cast that shows how to set up a feature-rich hosted Ruby Gems repository. You’ll get the full monty – local repositories for sharing your private gems, remote repositories to stop being dependent on rubygems.org and a virtual repository that unifies and simplifies configuration. Of course, it plays awesomely with Jenkins, (by using Jenkins …

Taking Control of App Releases

Today’s software users have rapidly evolving needs, are mobile, and expect 24/7 connectivity and reliability. So dev teams need to churn out new features and versions frequently to keep up while still making sure that service is not interrupted. Sounds like a tall order, but fail to do so, and users switch to competitors or …