Conan Audit -

Conan Launches C/C++ Audit Functionality

Overview Conan is a leading software package manager for C/C++ development environments. As an open source multi-platform package manager, it is used to create, manage and share native binaries and their dependencies based on C/C++ code. C/C++ is often the preferred language for developing embedded systems, mobile platforms, and real-time applications due to its low-level โ€ฆ

Out with the Old? Keeping Your Software Secure by Managing Dependencies

Out with the Old โ€“ Keeping Your Software Secure by Managing Dependencies

During 2023, the U.S. witnessed a record high in supply chain cyber-attacks, affecting 2,769 organizations. This figure represents the largest number recorded since 2017, marking an approximate 58% annual increase in impacted entities. If there ever was a doubt, now itโ€™s crystal clear that YOUR SOFTWARE SUPPLY CHAIN IS A TARGET. Developers, DevOps and Security โ€ฆ