Conan Center Celebrates 1,000+ Recipes

Weโ€™re delighted to thank the Conan community on reaching a major milestone, the public contribution of over 1,000 Conan recipes to Conan Center, the repository for hosting C/C++ packages! Conan recipes are Python-language files that describe how a Conan package is consumed. Each recipe is used to produce hundreds of C/C++packages, so this is an โ€ฆ

Conan Joins JFrog, our favorite C/C++ package manager has just leaped into JFrog. This is one more great chapter in our story which began a few years ago, when JFrog products took a universal approach to provide developers the freedom of choice, using any technology they chose. With the recent addition PHP Composer, JFrog Artifactory currently supports โ€ฆ