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JFrog Cloud Native Innovation – Availability, Security Performance and Efficiency at Scale

JFrog uses open source tools such as Kubernetes, Kubernetes Event-driven Autoscaling (KEDA), and Prometheus to develop its cloud development infrastructure and ensure tight integration with the three leading cloud providers AWS, GCP, and Azure. Let’s explore how JFrog cloud deployments leverage our cloud-native architecture to provide enhanced security and management capabilities for DevOps while ensuring …


JFrog Cloud: Architected for Performance at Scale

Petabytes of monthly data transfer. Thousands of concurrent requests per customer. Hundreds of thousands of requests per minute per customer. The JFrog Platform is a mission critical piece of software development and delivery infrastructure for companies that require performance at scale. When you’re supporting thousands of developers, even a minute of downtime or delay can …

7 Ways to Accelerate Cloud Native Development

Modern enterprises understand the need to move away from developing monolithic applications to ones that make best use of the cloud to enable business acceleration at scale and speed. That means transforming development to more resilient cloud native architectures that can be readily deployed to cloud, multi-cloud, and hybrid environments. What does it mean to …

5 Takeaways From “Behind the Curtain: The Road to Terraform”

How much time are you wasting initializing your Terraform environments? If your answer is, “more than we should,” then we have some tips for you.  Terraform is a popular infrastructure-as-code (IaC) tool for anyone who deploys to the cloud. We use it here at JFrog to help manage infrastructure for our SaaS customers, and recently …

How to Accelerate Software Delivery with Hybrid Cloud CI/CD

Are you looking for solutions to deliver rapid application development and iterations? You’re not alone. To accomplish this, many organizations are embracing cloud native containers across multiple cloud providers. The reason? This strategy reduces the risk of vendor lock-in, and helps you scale the application infrastructure horizontally.  In their recent swampUP 2021 talk “Going Serverless, …

Cloud Native CI/CD: The Ultimate Checklist

Choosing a software solution means checking the right boxes, and being “cloud native” has bubbled to the top of most lists. But cloud native is a box built of boxes of its own. For a CI/CD solution like JFrog Pipelines, cloud native starts by being “born in the cloud” to natively execute in, build for, …

Simply the Best: JFrog’s Top DevOps Articles from 2020

In 2020, JFrog’s experts published a treasure trove of content — blogs, articles, infographics, and more — to share insights and advice with our customers and the DevOps community at large. In case you missed them — or want to re-read them — here’s a list of the most popular ones. They range from a …