Enable Global DevSecOps with Cloud Enterprise, Xray, and Pipelines on AWS

Note: This blog post has been updated to reflect the current JFrog Software Supply Chain Platform offering in AWS Marketplace.

When software can travel around the globe at the speed of the cloud’s gusts, enterprises need to be extra certain the updates they release are safe for customers to use. If an app built in Palo Alto uses a vulnerable package from Belgrade, losses can ripple from Sheboygan to Shanghai.

At JFrog, we believe enabling end-to-end global DevSecOps in the cloud should be an easy process. Now customers who are utilizing AWS can use the JFrog Platform to scale an enterprise-grade solution with CI/CD, binary lifecycle management, and protection from security vulnerabilities.

Cloud-Native DevSecOps With CI/CD

JFrog on AWS includes a comprehensive set of DevOps tools with a SaaS subscription that includes:

Each Enterprise account includes monthly data transfer, storage, and CI/CD minutes to support fast, frequent builds across multiple teams. With Artifactory’s support for 30 package types, all development teams can boost their speed from build to software distribution. Enterprise also includes the features that growing organizations need, such as support for SAML SSO, multi-site replication (including Federated Repositories), and distribution at high volume through Amazon CloudFront CDN. And with JFrog Projects, organizations can more easily manage multiple software development project resources and users.

Xray helps create DevSecOps by adding integrated security vulnerability analysis, to help assure that applications delivered through JFrog Artifactory are safe to deploy. Your trial on AWS also includes the JFrog Security Pack, which includes support for SCIM ID management, 3rd party vault integration, and AWS PrivateLink, along with our premium Xray vulnerabilities database and license compliance checking.

Pipelines completes the end-to-end Platform with cloud native CI/CD automation that’s naturally integrated with Artifactory and Xray for one-stop DevOps.

Get DevSecOps, Go!

There’s nothing more to stop you! In just a few mouse clicks on AWS Marketplace, you can support your enterprise-grade DevSecOps teams in their journey to speed the release of reliable software. View JFrog in AWS Marketplace.