Blog Bintray Sunset

JCenter Sunset on August 15th, 2024

JFrog supported the Java community as the host of the JCenter repository for Java OSS libraries, packages and components as part of JFrog’s Bintray service for several years. When Bintray was deprecated on May 1st, 2021, to make way for the development and further advancement of the JFrog Platform, JFrog decided to continue the support …


How to set up a Private, Remote and Virtual Maven/Gradle Registry

The simplest way to manage and organize your Java dependencies is with a Maven or Gradle repository. You need reliable, secure, consistent and efficient access to your dependencies that are shared across your team, in a central location. Including a place to set up multiple registries, that work transparently with the Maven and Gradle clients. …

Enterprise Level Access Control with Keys and Entitlements

“Private repositories”, “Teams and Organizations”, “Permissions”…, sounds like that’s all you need to provide secure private downloads. Well, not quite. Those are great features that fit the bill if your consumer is a Bintray user. But what if she isn’t? Well, then there are signed URLs. Those should do the trick. Just sign your file …

Bintray Blog

Feel secure with SSL? Think again.

Recently, we’ve heard a lot of discussion about the trust we place in public binary repositories. For example, Maven Central, a popular legacy repository maintained by Sonatype, was recently compromised by a successful MITM attack. In response, Sonatype set up an https access to central (removing the demand for a $10 donation to the Apache …

Bintray Blog

Enjoy Bintray and use it as pain-free gateway to Maven Central

UPDATE: As of May 1, 2021 Bintray services will no longer be available (ConanCenter and JCenter are not affected) for more information read the Centers Deprecation Blog   What does it means when some tool or framework has literally dozens of guides, pages long each? It probably means that it is popular, or complicated to …

Bintray Blog

Stay in Context, See the World

New release, new features! Focus on what’s important You know, Bintray supports various repository types, like Maven, YUM and Debs, and more types to come. But sometimes all those goodies are just too much. You want to see and search for only certain type of packages (e.g. focus only on Maven jars to use Bintray …

Bintray Blog

Increase your Maven Package’s Exposure by Adding it to JCenter

If you already distribute your Maven packages via Bintray, your packages can gain further exposure by including them in Bintray’s JCenter! (if you are not very familiar with Bintray’s support for Maven, please refer to the user guide and to my previous post). JCenter is the repository with the biggest collection of Maven artifacts in …

Bintray Blog

Hot on Bintray: Package Merging

UPDATE: As of May 1, 2021 Bintray services will no longer be available (ConanCenter and JCenter are not affected) for more information read the Centers Deprecation Blog We have recently introduced package merging: several packages from the same repository can now be merged into one. This is extremely useful when you have existing packages that …

Bintray Blog

Be the First to Know. Really.

So, you have an early-2000 style repository, like Maven Central: And let’s say you are very, extremely interested to know when the new version of netty comes out.  We understand, it’s a natural addiction. How can you do it? Here are some ideas: Well, you can visit Maven Central every day. Couple of times a …

Bintray Blog

Another one bites the Maven Central dust (and saved by Bintray)

UPDATE: As of May 1, 2021 Bintray services will no longer be available (ConanCenter and JCenter are not affected) for more information read the Centers Deprecation Blog   Today, I encountered another very detailed blog post on the woes of publishing on Maven Central. Jose Maria Arranz explains why he doesn’t like Maven in general and …