
How to set up a Private, Remote and Virtual Maven/Gradle Registry

The simplest way to manage and organize your Java dependencies is with a Maven or Gradle repository. You need reliable, secure, consistent and efficient access to your dependencies that are shared across your team, in a central location. Including a place to set up multiple registries, that work transparently with the Maven and Gradle clients. …


Speed Up Your Gradle Builds with JFrog Artifactory

Gradle introduced a cool built-in feature that lets you cache task outputs. Why is this cool? Because it reduces build time. How? By sharing the output of Gradle tasks between machines, subsequent builds are accelerated since they can reuse those outputs instead of rebuilding them. Now, this is where it gets even cooler. This feature …

Bintray Blog

Android Studio – Migration from Maven Central to JCenter

This post was originally published in Techno Talkative blog by Paresh Mayani. Feel free to comment here or there.   During the android workshop, in the office and in the chat with some of the android developers, I have received some questions around build script and repository: Why earlier versions of android studio were using …

Bintray Blog

Enjoy Bintray and use it as pain-free gateway to Maven Central

UPDATE: As of May 1, 2021 Bintray services will no longer be available (ConanCenter and JCenter are not affected) for more information read the Centers Deprecation Blog   What does it means when some tool or framework has literally dozens of guides, pages long each? It probably means that it is popular, or complicated to …

Thinking in Gradle!

Since my first encounter with Gradle and Hans Dockter (TSSJS 2009 in Las Vegas), I slowly (but surely) started to use this new build tool in many environment and projects.Today, I’m hooked and I don’t think there is a better way to build!But, the main issue I encountered is how to convince other that Gradle is the …

The Future of CI at JAX Conf

The Future of CI at JAX Conf – San Jose June, 2011 by Fred SimonThese are exciting days for Continuous Integration users and for us – JFrog Artifactory team.Following the successful CI Summit held in LinkedIn HQ last month, we are now heading to theSan Jose JAX Conf!This year, for the first time, the great European JAX conference …

To Build or Not to Be – Seminar Videos

JFrog’s Continuous Integration and Build Seminar “To Build or Not to Be“, took place on July 1st, 2010 and was a big success.The sessions of Kohsuke Kawaguchi creator of Hudson and CEO of InfraDNA, and Hans Dockter creator of Gradle and CEO of Gradle Inc are now available online.Watch now the videos of “Gradle – A Better Way To Build“.and “Doing More with Hudson“   …