
Content-Driven Component Analysis

JFrog Xray was first released one year ago. Our first post about it highlighted what makes Xray more than just another security scanning tool. Over the last year, we have introduced more differentiating features like download blocking, integration with more security vulnerability providers like Aqua Security, BlackDuck, and integration with your CI/CD pipeline to keep your builds …


Don’t Let the Maven Deploy Plugin Trip You Up

Apache Maven is a commonly used build tool. It has many cool features such as default processing steps that are included out of the box, and is particularly good for compiling and packaging Java code. But this blog post is not an introduction to Maven. There are plenty of great books that provide that, and …


Speed Up Your Gradle Builds with JFrog Artifactory

Gradle introduced a cool built-in feature that lets you cache task outputs. Why is this cool? Because it reduces build time. How? By sharing the output of Gradle tasks between machines, subsequent builds are accelerated since they can reuse those outputs instead of rebuilding them. Now, this is where it gets even cooler. This feature …


Closing the Release Velocity Gap with Datical and Artifactory

Many companies have already made the transformation to agile development methodologies and proudly show how they’ve managed to shorten their application release cycles significantly. But there’s one place where companies often falter in the process: their databases. They can’t update their database implementations as quickly as they update their applications creating a release velocity gap. …

OpenShift with Artifactory: A Powerful PaaS with a JFrog Stack

[deprecated] This blog shows outdated content, please see this blog for the latest information. If you’re containerizing, cloudifying, and doing DevOps, you want your tools to work together nicely so you don’t have the headache of managing infrastructure. We are making it even easier to make your enterprise-grade devops environment work great with JFrog Artifactory …


A Cloud Platform for Defragging Devops

Many software organizations see DevOps as the silver bullet that will streamline their delivery workflow to help them produce software faster than ever before. So they start looking into the tools they will need, and then reality hits like a jab to right cheek. It starts with source control, goes on to CI/CD systems and …

Visually Managing Your Container Delivery Pipeline with Nirmata and Artifactory

We’re always happy to make new friends, especially when their technology plays so well together with ours. Introducing Nirmata Nirmata is a cloud service that fully automates application management on any public or private cloud. How? Nirmata lets you visualize your container delivery pipelines and build them via easy to use, intuitive interfaces. This is …

The 5 Big DevOps Changes to Expect in 2017

Thoughts from the CEO desk 2017 started off with a DevOps bang; an enormous amount of capital was poured into DevOps technology companies by VCs, and larger-scale adoption of tools and methodologies was approved in this year’s IT budgets with the recognition that DevOps is a “must-have”. These changes follow a Gartner Report from 2016 …

Process is Critical So Are the Systems of Record.

You probably read the awesome post in the Netflix Engineering Tools team blog about the build process that Netflix uses to continuously deploy the service that streams movies and TV shows to more than 75 million global Netflix members. And while the post concentrates on the build process – the build tool, the CI server and the …