Ben Ifrach
Former JFrog Artifactory Project ManagerBen was a Product Manager on JFrog’s Artifactory team, leading the Packages domain focused on innovation and new technologies. Before starting his tech career, Ben served as a Deputy Submarine Commander and is a proud Naval veteran – for him, the transition to the “Liquid Software Company” was very natural. On his extra time, Ben founded and manage a mentoring program helping Junior Developers from the Ultra-Orthodox Jewish community to find their first job in the tech industry and is very active on several other volunteering organizations.
The Latest From Ben Ifrach
| < 1Kubernetesのオーケストレーションツールでコンテナベースのサービスを開発する場合、Terraformは…
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ArtifactoryとHelm 3でOCIをKubernetesに導く
| < 1JFrog Artifactoryの最新リリースでKubernetesの世界が大きくなりました。Artifac…
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JFrog ArtifactoryからDocker Hubを利用してダウンロードの制限を回避
| < 1コンテナイメージの取得時の制限について、Dockerの発表をご存知かも知れません。11月1日からDockerは…