JFrog hops aboard a crowded CI/CD bandwagon, but its expertise in artifact and package management could appeal to security-conscious DevOps shops.
2020年 2月 26日
The JFrog Platform, powered by the award-winning JFrog Artifactory package manager, delivers DevSecOps, CI/CD and software distribution solutions via all-in-one experience
2020年 2月 25日
JFrog Ltd., a heavily funded startup responsible for a stable of widely used development tools, today launched an offering called JFrog Platform that it touts as an end-to-end toolkit for managing enterprise software project.
2020年 2月 25日
JFrog has announced the “JFrog Platform,” a new hybrid and multi-cloud universal DevOps Platform designed to deliver DevSecOps, CI/CD and software distribution solutions in an all-in-one experience.
2020年 2月 25日
In this episode of Adventures in DevOps Charles Max Wood interviews Stephen Chin. Charles and Stephen consider the biggest trends to emerge in 2019 and speculate on what’s going to be big in 2020
2020年 2月 10日
From as small as your smartphone to as large as power-grids – all are run digitally, based on layers and layers of complex software.
2020年 1月 29日
JFrog this week announced it has updated ConanCenter, a repository for storing and discovering software packages that can be downloaded for free, to include support for C++ artifacts.
2020年 1月 17日
Former Flipkart and Microsoft Leader Joins Team to Help Drive Global Growth
2020年 1月 15日
ConanCenter will improve user experience on the existing Conan OSS platform and offer an enriched, intuitive service for developers to search and utilize shared C/C++ libraries
2020年 1月 13日
DevOps engineers will now have access to the multilayer analysis tool for containers and software artifacts for vulnerabilities, and license compliance scanning
2019年 12月 2日