Bintray Blog

Stay in Context, See the World

New release, new features! Focus on what’s important You know, Bintray supports various repository types, like Maven, YUM and Debs, and more types to come. But sometimes all those goodies are just too much. You want to see and search for only certain type of packages (e.g. focus only on Maven jars to use Bintray …

Bintray Blog

Introducing New and Improved Statistics

UPDATE: As of May 1st 2021 Bintray services will no longer be available (ConanCenter and JCenter are not affected) for more information read the Centers Deprecation Blog Bintray’s latest version introduces an upgraded graphic downloads statistics feature. Now you can view the statistics of all package downloads segmented by date, version and country. You can …

Bintray Blog

It’s Your Content, Claim The Logs For It

Improved statistics we introduced last month give you much more information about the users that download open source software you publish than any other binaries distribution platform ever. But why stop there? What if you want even more? One of the most powerful ways to slice and dice your download stats is to play with …