Introducing First Class RubyGems Support in Artifactory

Here’s a short and down-to-business screen-cast that shows how to set up a feature-rich hosted Ruby Gems repository. You’ll get the full monty – local repositories for sharing your private gems, remote repositories to stop being dependent on and a virtual repository that unifies and simplifies configuration. Of course, it plays awesomely with Jenkins, (by using Jenkins …

Does Ruby Need a Mature Binary Repository?

At some point in time, a Ruby developer realized the need to serve gems within a private network. The main reasons why: You can’t rely You need a place to host the gems is not available in RubyGems. Those can be of two flavors: Something not hosted at RubyGems. For example, Vagrant. Something internal (neither open source nor …

3.0.x at Full Speed

You probably already noticed, but just in case – Artifactory 3.0 awesomeness is now delivered to you more frequently than ever. For example, we just released 3.0.2. This minor release completes the databases support matrix by adding PostgreSQL to the mix. In addition to the usual load of bug fixes we introduced a special treatment for `artifactory.content-type` property. Setting it …