Meet JFrog’s Newest Board Member, Luis Felipe Visoso

Meet JFrog’s Newest Board Member, Luis Felipe Visoso

We are honored to welcome Luis Felipe Visoso, current CFO of Unity Software Inc., to JFrog’s Board of Directors. With decades of financial leadership from Palo Alto Networks, AWS, Cisco, and Procter & Gamble, Luis brings invaluable global insights in cybersecurity, cloud, and enterprise software.

We sat down with Luis to learn more about what drew him to JFrog, the industry trends he believes will have the biggest impact on DevOps, as well as his career beginnings and key mentors. Here’s what he had to say:

  1. Tell us a bit about yourself?
  2. What enticed you about joining JFrog?
  3. Who were some of the mentors that shaped your career growth and why?
  4. What current trends or market moves do you see as potentially having the biggest impact on future investments for JFrog?
  5. What do you see as some of the opportunities for JFrog moving forward?

Tell us a bit about yourself?

I have a deep passion for science and culture, which has driven my desire to explore the world. My career at Procter & Gamble, spanning 23 enriching years, afforded me the incredible opportunity to live and work in diverse locations, from Panama and Mexico to Venezuela and several countries across Europe, including Belgium and Switzerland. My wife often joked about our frequent relocations, wondering if we could ever have two assignments in the same country. This constant movement was a testament to my belief that lifelong learning is essential; the minute we stop learning is the moment we “die.”My curiosity about technology and various business models was sparked by observing visionary leaders like Jeff Bezos and witnessing the rapid pace of change at Amazon. I was fascinated by the intricate connections within business operations, particularly the critical role of the supply chain as the connective tissue for retail businesses worldwide.Additionally, experiencing different cultures around the globe first hand proved to me that working in Cincinnati is dramatically different from any other part of the nation or world. We all have a lot to learn from one another as well as from technology. So while the engineering mind in me likes to break things down to understand how they work, I also like to delve deeper into people and cultures to better grasp how an ecosystem functions and excels.

What enticed you about joining JFrog?

I’ve known about JFrog for many years, but once I had the chance to get to know the people, understand the vision, and delve deeper into the technology, I was compelled to join. The company’s leadership and employees are truly remarkable—passionate about their work and driven by a clear mission to make software Liquid.

A pivotal moment for me was reading “Liquid Software” by Fred Simon and Yoav Landman, which explores the power and necessity of seamless software updates. This concept resonated with me profoundly while riding my bike one day that was equipped with a Garmin device. I encountered a frustrating seven-minute delay due to a required software update for my device. This incident underscored the critical importance and complexity of managing software updates in today’s interconnected digital landscape.

From a financial perspective, the necessity for efficient, secure, and traceable software updates cannot be overstated. In an era where software is ubiquitous and its proliferation continues to accelerate, the ability to manage updates effectively is crucial for maintaining operational continuity and mitigating security risks.

JFrog’s unique approach to managing software at the binary level–ensuring it remains up-to-date, secure, and compliant—while allowing customers to consolidate tools with one platform represents a powerful value proposition.

The company’s strategic vision and mission to transform software management combined with the potential to drive financial growth and stability is what ultimately convinced me to join JFrog.

Who were some of the mentors that shaped your career growth and why?

Reflecting on my career, two mentors stand out as pivotal influences. Jeff Wilke, whom I worked closely with at Amazon, remains at the top of my list. Jeff’s leadership was characterized by his openness and commitment to mentorship. We would meet for lunch every week, and he encouraged me to ask any question about business strategy, people dynamics, or operations. His dedication to these discussions was evident, telling me we would meet every week until we ran out of topics to discuss, but we never did – we continued our lunches until my departure. These interactions were instrumental in my growth, providing invaluable insights and shaping my approach to leadership.

Another significant mentor was Jon Moeller, who exemplified trust and empowerment. Jon’s willingness to delegate challenging responsibilities to me, even when I did not always feel ready, taught me the importance of seizing opportunities and pushing beyond perceived limits. His mantra of not feeling constrained in one’s role resonated deeply with me, reinforcing a proactive, value-driven mindset that transcended specific job functions.

These experiences with Jeff and Jon profoundly influenced my leadership philosophy, emphasizing the importance of continuous learning, empowerment, and a results-oriented approach to adding value across different facets of the business.

The landscape of technological investment opportunities for JFrog is heavily influenced by the proliferation of software across robotics, mobile devices, manufacturing, and IoT.

In today’s digital ecosystem, trust and security are paramount. By prioritizing these values, JFrog not only helps mitigate risks but also builds strong, enduring relationships with its customers, making their platform essential to customers’ operations. If JFrog goes down, their customers go down, making their platform “critical infrastructure” for today’s businesses and a compelling value proposition for investors.

You’ve had experience with some of the largest security companies in the industry. With that in mind, what do you see as some of the opportunities for JFrog moving forward?

Security is a challenging field with many bad actors, including political and foreign entities, that can either elevate a company to success or cause its collapse. The impact of security breaches can be detrimental, making it crucial to continually raise the bar by investing in and improving security measures. This is not an area where companies can afford to be complacent or underinvest.

Regarding AI and machine learning, I believe MLSecOps and AI are  fundamentally different from other buzzwords that have come and gone over the years. Unlike the metaverse and other fleeting trends, AI is real, and its potential to change the world is immense. While only a few companies, primarily cloud providers, are currently profiting from AI, its transformative power is undeniable. It has the potential to revolutionize how we think, work, and live on a daily basis.

For businesses, AI presents both an opportunity and a threat, plus the timeline for AI to impact every business varies. Some are already experiencing its effects, while others will take longer, but one thing is certain: companies that fail to keep up with the power of AI may become obsolete, while those that find ways to effectively and responsibly leverage AI can enhance their operations and remain competitive.