From Code to Cloud with JFrog Artifactory and Azure AKS

From Code to Cloud with JFrog Artifactory and Azure AKS

Our Kit Merker, VP of Business Development, recently made a guest appearance on the Azure Friday show on Microsoft’s Channel 9, showing how to use JFrog Artifactory as your repository manager with Azure and the importance of a Kubernetes Registry.

Kit demonstrated the seamless flow from code to cloud, that includes JFrog Artifactory and DevOps tools such as Git, Jenkins and Azure. In his demo, he showed how to easily build and release software by setting up a continuous delivery pipeline in Jenkins from code to cloud, including the following steps:

  1. Build a Java app using Gradle
  2. Get base image with all dependencies
  3. Get a product ready Docker image that’s ready to deploy
  4. Generate a Helm chart for the build with the specific build numbers needed to deploy it
  5. Pushed out to ACR and Deploy to AKS

Watch the complete video and get started with JFrog Artifactory.