Sean Pratt

JFrog Senior Product Marketing Manager

Sean leads Platform and DevOps Product Marketing at JFrog. A “Full Stack Marketer,” he’s previously worked at a wide range of technology startups from HR tech to Smart City/IoT. When not reading, writing, and learning about secure software supply chains, he’s spending time with his family, learning Python, and very occasionally playing on his Switch.

The Latest From Sean Pratt

  • Manage Ansible Collections with JFrog Artifactory

    | 4 min read

    If you work with virtual machines or install and configure software on EC2 or leverage dynamic runtimes, chances are you’re also using Ansible. In fact, JFrog has supported installation via Ansible for some time. If they’re not using Red Hat, the way most organizations have managed their Ansible Collections – including Roles – is by…

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  • Expanding Artifactory’s Hugging Face Support with Datasets

    | 3 min read

    When working with ML models, it’s fair to say that a model is only as good as the data it was trained on. Training and testing models on quality datasets of an appropriate size is essential for model performance. Because of the intricate link between a model and the data it was trained on, it’s…

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  • Embracing Complexity in DevOps: Software Supply Chain State of the Union 2024

    | 4 min read

    As we delve deeper into the era of software reliance, the 2024 JFrog Software Supply Chain report emerges as required reading for developers and DevOps professionals who are at the frontline of today’s technological innovations. DevOps and development themes from the 2024 report The report combines Artifactory data, analysis from the JFrog Security Research team,…

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  • The basics of securing GenAI and LLM development

    | 4 min read

    With the rapid adoption of AI-enabled services into production applications, it’s important that organizations are able to secure the AI/ML components coming into their software supply chain. The good news is that even if you don’t have a tool specifically for scanning models themselves, you can still apply the same DevSecOps best practices to securing…

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  • OpenTofu support comes to JFrog Artifactory

    | 3 min read

    If you deploy container-based services in Kubernetes, chances are you’re also using infrastructure-as-code to help automate the provisioning and maintenance of the cloud environments where your applications will run. Up until recently, Terraform was “the name” in infrastructure-as-code. However, HashiCorp’s decision in the second half of 2023 to change Terraform from an open source license…

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  • Supporting Next-Level Enterprise Scale in Software Development

    | 6 min read

    What it means to be “enterprise grade” has changed. In software development, the size of new artifacts and the pace of development has increased dramatically. Developers are now releasing new components daily, if not multiple times a day. With containerization, and now AI/ML models, new pieces of software can be multiple GBs or larger. In…

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  • The State of Software Supply Chain Security in 2024

    | 4 min read

    In today's fast-paced software development landscape, managing and securing the software supply chain is crucial for delivering reliable and trusted software releases. With that in mind, it’s important to assess whether your organization is set up to handle the continuous expansion of the open-source ecosystem and an ever-growing array of tools to incorporate into your…

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  • Improve Cloud Visibility with JFrog’s SaaS Log Streamer

    | 5 min read

    Updated May 21st, 2024: JFrog's SaaS Log Streamer is now generally available for customers on JFrog Cloud Enterprise+ subscriptions. The beauty of deploying SaaS-based applications is that you don’t have to worry about building the infrastructure, hiring engineers to maintain it, staying on top of upgrades or worry about application security. Indeed, these are some…

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  • Evolving ML Model Versioning

    | 9 min read

    TL;DR: JFrog’s ML Model Management capabilities, which help bridge the gap between AI/ML model development and DevSecOps, are now Generally Available and come with a new approach to versioning models that benefit Data Scientists and DevOps Engineers alike.  Model versioning can be a frustrating process with many considerations when taking models from Data Science to…

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