Adi Atzmony

Adi Atzmony

JFrog Technical & Marketing Content Manager

Adi is the content manager and strategist in the product marketing team at JFrog. She has been in the software and tech domain for 17 years. Starting her career as a software developer, project manager, and continuing to expand her expertise as a senior technical and marketing writer. She is passionate about working together to make technical content clear, easy to read, relevant, actionable, and shareable across all social/community platforms.

The Latest From Adi Atzmony

  • How to set up Software Security and Compliance for Your Artifacts

    | 5 min read

    The simplest way to ensure the safety of all the open source (OSS) components used by your teams and sites, is with a software composition analysis (SCA) tool. You need an automated and reliable way to manage and keep track of your open source usage. With JFrog Xray, you can set up vulnerability and license…

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  • Kubernetes in Production with Jessica Deen at swampUP 2020

    | 5 min read

    Jessica Deen’s swampUP 2020 talk takes Kubernetes to the next level. If you want to understand how to make your K8s implementation enterprise grade, then this is the session for you. JFrog was proud to announce Jessica Deen, Microsoft Azure Avenger, as the winner of the inaugural swampUP Carl Quinn Speaker Award. Jessica’s talk was…

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  • Block Security Vulnerabilities from Entering Your Code

    | 4 min read

    Note: this blog post has last been updated on November 7, 2021 As continuous software deployments grow and become the accepted standard, security measures gain even more importance. From development and all the way through to production, security requirements should be adopted by all teams in an organization. JFrog IDE integrations provide security and compliance…

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  • Artifactory 6.12 Released: Including Smart Remote Repositories on Edge Nodes

    | 2 min read

    Quality is a core value at JFrog. This release of JFrog Artifactory is no exception, with heavy emphasis on releasing features and updates that are most important to you. We’re excited and proud to release Artifactory 6.12. As a precursor to the coming release of JFrog’s Unified Experience and JFrog Pipelines, Artifactory 6.12 includes: Support…

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  • 5 Special Repositories in Artifactory You Should Know About

    | 5 min read

    Note: This blog post was recently updated on June 16, 2021. Among the many different types of binary repositories managed within JFrog Artifactory as an artifact repository, there are 5 very useful repositories that you may have not noticed. Just like all repositories in Artifactory, these also store your binaries with all the added benefits…

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