Download stats and logs – now with deep user insights

UPDATE: As of May 1, 2021 Bintray services will no longer be available (ConanCenter and JCenter are not affected) for more information read the Centers Deprecation Blog


Ever wondered who exactly downloaded your software? I don’t mean just “someone from the United States.” I’m talking about getting down to the organization level in terms of “someone from Acme Corp. NY office”.

Now you can get this information, from Bintray:
Bintray Live Download Feed

This information is available for any package type for Bintray Premium users, but that’s not all. It is also available, for free, for every OSS package in JCenter!!! This means that if you own a package that is linked to JCenter you already have this information available today!

And not only can you get rich live logs of your downloads, you can retrieve fully parsable logs in CSV or Apache common format! Just use the REST API, or click the preferred log format link:
Bintray Download Logs

Log format options include the Apache-style logs, which can be analyzed by dozens of tools out there, or you can download the logs as CSV files. CSV files are usually easier to understand, and actually contain more data, such as ZIP code, geolocation etc. Download the CSV log and hack on! Or, you can even open it in Excel and show it to your boss:
Bintray Logs in CSV Format
Excel jokes aside, that’s the most powerful downloads analytics one can get and it’s there at your fingertips.

With Live Logs and Download Logs you get much more detail about activity within your repositories. This can be very helpful in analyzing peaks as it provides immediate feedback on the popularity of your software, and how this popularity is distributed by version, geo-location and organization. Naturally, it can also be used to direct you to where you should be focusing your marketing efforts.

It’s time to learn about your users!