Yonatan Arbel, Developer Advocate, JFrog

Yonatan Arbel

JFrog Developer Advocate

Yonatan, a software professional with over 12 years of experience, played integral roles at JFrog, evolving from a Software Developer and Team Leader to his current position as a Developer Advocate. For the past several years, he has been a crucial part of the JFrog team, contributing significantly to the development of the JFrog Platform within the Infrastructure Group. Beyond the tech realm, Yonatan enjoys cooking, playing soccer with his kids, and exploring different parts of the world. As a Developer Advocate, he eagerly shares his tech journey and insights, enriched by his diverse experiences in software development and leadership.

The Latest From Yonatan Arbel

  • Ensure your models flow with the JFrog plugin for MLflow

    | 6 min read

    Just a few years back, developing AI/ML (Machine Learning) models was a secluded endeavor, primarily undertaken by small teams of developers and data scientists away from public scrutiny. However, with the surge in GenAI/LLMs, open-source models, and ML development tools, there's been a significant democratization of model creation, with more developers and organizations engaging in…

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  • Elevate and Streamline Your Developer Experience with JFrog-Coder Fusion

    | 5 min read

    It’s a scenario many developers know all too well: a configuration works flawlessly for one team member but doesn’t work for you. Starting a new job brings with it the excitement of fresh challenges and opportunities. However, it also entails the often painful task of setting up your development environment—a process that can be both…

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  • Advancing MLOps with JFrog and Qwak

    | 5 min read

    Modern AI applications are having a dramatic impact on our industry, but there are still certain hurdles when it comes to bringing ML models to production. The process of building ML models is so complex and time-intensive that many data scientists still struggle to turn concepts into production-ready models. Bridging the gap between MLOps and…

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  • Secure Access To Your Software Development with GitHub OpenID Connect (OIDC) and JFrog

    | 5 min read

    Modern software development requires a seamless connection between multiple software development tools - particularly those used for code management and storing your software artifacts. Connecting between these tools often involves managing a variety of tokens, permissions, passwords, and keys, which if not handled correctly can expose organizations to potential security threats. The best solution is…

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  • Empowering Kubernetes Security: JFrog’s Seamless Integration with AWS AssumeRole

    | 4 min read

    Security Use Cases for AWS AssumeRole In the fast-paced environment of cloud-native apps, security and seamless connections are a priority. Many DevOps and SecOps professionals use Kubernetes native features to handle their container security, keeping a tight grip on access and secrets to improve security posture. The integration between AWS AssumeRole and JFrog Access in…

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