Tal Yitzhak

Tal Yitzhak

Former JFrog Solutions Engineer

Tal Yitzhak was a Solution Engineer at the DevOps Acceleration Team at JFrog. His past experience involves different DevOps related projects where he was responsible to migrate a legacy CI/CD process and write it from scratch while the company moved from using Sonatype Nexus to JFrog Artifactory. Tal’s passion is learning and improving development teams challenges. Over the last year, Tal joined JFrog to bring his experience to other customers in their DevOps Journey while using The Liquid Software Company – JFrog’s products and making the vision of liquid software – come true.

The Latest From Tal Yitzhak

  • No Internet? No Problem. Use Xray with an Air Gap – Part II

    | 6 min read

    With software supply chain attacks on the rise, implementing DevSecOps best practices in an air gapped environment is a must. In an effort to secure an organization’s internal network, there is an increasing trend of separating the internal network from the external one. Essentially creating an enclosed and disconnected environment from the public internet. An…

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  • No Internet? No Problem. Use Artifactory with an Air Gap – Part I

    | 9 min read

    Virtually all development organizations need access to remote public resources such as Maven Central, NuGet Gallery, npmjs.org, Docker Hub etc., to download dependencies needed for a build. One of the big benefits of using Artifactory is its remote repositories which proxy these remote resources and cache artifacts that are downloaded. This way, once any developer…

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  • My Build, My Way | JFrog Pipelines Extensions

    | 5 min read

    TL;DR Once my new projects are almost ready to share with the team and I can build and test them locally, I’ll need a CI automation tool to test and deploy each release. As a Principal Consultant at Declarative Systems, I've been recommending JFrog Artifactory to clients looking to bullet-proof their deployments since 2016. After…

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  • How I Leaped Forward My Jenkins Build with JFrog Pipelines

    | 9 min read

    Jenkins is the most popular open source CI tool on the market today. Being an early entry into the marketplace, Jenkins popularized CI. Like other CI tools Jenkins empowers developers to automatically build, integrate, and test code as soon as they commit it to the source repository. This allows developers to catch bugs quickly and…

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  • Automating your Feature Branch Repository Management with JFrog CLI

    | 6 min read

    Feature branch workflows are used to isolate work done on a specific feature in a dedicated branch. This allows all development to be kept away from the team’s common codebase until completion. Essentially keeping the master safe from any risk until it is ready to be merged. The Challenge Alongside the code itself, developers also…

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