Jens Eckels

Jens Eckels

JFrog VP of Product Marketing

Jens is a proud tech marketeer with a love for developers and development communities. His usual habitat is near a small desk, smithing words to the sound of his ever-humming laptop fan.

The Latest From Jens Eckels

  • Using Docker Desktop and Artifactory for Enterprise Container Management

    | 8 min read

    As the prevalence of containers continues to expand, managing the push and pull of containers without an enterprise-grade container registry is unwieldy. Many companies utilize JFrog Artifactory as a Docker and Helm registry, but also utilize Docker Desktop strategically to manage their container services. The goal of this blog is to show you how to…

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  • What’s New from JFrog: Binary Lifecycle Management at Scale

    | 6 min read

    JFrog’s annual swampUp DevOps conference always brings new, exciting features to further our vision of accelerating releases through liquid software. This year was no exception, as JFrog CTO Yoav Landman and CPO Dror Bereznitsky revealed innovations for the JFrog DevOps Platform that enable end-to-end binary lifecycle management. Enterprise DevOps and large-scale modern application delivery require…

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  • JFrog’s Bold Roadmap: The Rise of Binaries

    | 3 min read

    In the annual roadmap keynote of our SwampUP 2020 conference, JFrog CTO and co-founder Yoav Landman, CPO Dror Bereznitsky and VP of Engineering Avi Cavale delivered a landmark message: If you’re not focused on binaries and distributing them to the edge, you’re risking the future of your business. Under the theme DevOps, Fast Forward, JFrog’s…

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  • JFrog Visits with New York Stock Exchange About COVID-19

    | 8 min read

    JFrog was honored to be recently interviewed by NYSE Floor Talk regarding the company’s efforts during the COVID-19 crisis. The quick video was shot at a safe social distance of course, but focused on JFrog’s FrogCare program. The program provides free software development and DevOps tools to accelerate delivery for research organizations that are supporting…

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  • DevOps Digital Transformation in 90 Days: Distribution

    | 4 min read

    You’re digitally transforming yourself and your company in 90 days whether you like it or not. This is the new reality, as you find home office spaces (or lack of them), ways for kids to learn remotely, ways to conduct all of your family gatherings over a Zoom call, and more. This is also the…

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  • Announcing JFrog Container Registry

    | 6 min read

    For over a decade, JFrog has been performing heavy lifts. We pioneered artifact management, have served developers with industry-leading tools, and helped them get containers quickly and safely where they need to go.  Today we’re delighted to announce JFrog Container Registry, the world’s most advanced, fully hybrid Docker registry that’s free to use on-prem, in…

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  • JFrog Breaks DevOps Boundaries at swampUP 2019!

    | 3 min read

    Update February 2024: JFrog no longer utilizes the VulnDB database. We have a comprehensive database from multiple leading sources including the NVD, GitHub, Ubuntu, Debian, Red Hat, PHP, and vulnerability data uncovered by the JFrog Security Research Team. JFrog’s annual user conference has just started in San Francisco and the atmosphere is mesmerizing. This conference…

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