Take a Coffee Break with JFrog

Gain instant insight - everything you need to know about key Artifactory features.

This webinar series consists of 5 – 15 minute sessions. They’re fast, effective and best of all, they’re on the house! Each session covers a key Artifactory feature. Artifactory is the industry standard for universal binary repository managers automating your development processes from code commit to production. Sign up for one or all topics. Check out the Artifactory topics being covered.

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All sessions will start at 11:30 AM PST.
High Availability

Maximize your uptime for continuous business continuity with zero downtime for upgrades.

March 10th 11:30 AM PST
Checksum-based storage

See how Artifactory utilizes checksum-based storage to store each binary only once, improves copying and moving file performance, checks to see if a file exists before moving or replication to another location, speeds up your searches, and more.

March 11th 11:30 AM PST
Multi-Site Replication

Support your geographically distributed teams. Replicate your repositories to another instance of Artifactory which is outside of your local network.

March 16th 11:30 AM PST
JFrog CLI & User Plugins

Simple interface that automates access to JFrog products simplifying your automation scripts, making them easier to read and maintain. Easily extend Artifactory functionality with your own plugins written in Groovy.

March 17th 11:30 AM PST
SDLC Management with Artifactory

Learn how metadata is leveraged by many Enterprise organizations in order to reduce lead time for their software development and delivery process. Metadata can help enable enhanced automation capabilities by providing much-needed context and also allowing us to track and manage our binary throughout its lifecycle.

March 18th 11:30 AM PST
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