Maintenance and Monitoring
With current use of build servers and CI systems, the number of artifacts you generate can grow very quickly. Without proper management, your systems can get clogged with old and irrelevant artifacts.
Artifactory keeps your system organized and free of clutter with automatic, timed cleanup processes. With a few simple settings, you can schedule tasks to clean up old builds and unused artifacts, and set restrictions on and monitor disk space usage. You can also define “watches” to monitor your most critical binaries. You can “watch” artifacts, folders or repositories for any event (add, delete, modify) and receive focused email notifications on changes to any repository to which you have access. Rather than searching through log files or unsecure feeds to find specific events, they are delivered to you by email as soon as they happen.
And with an extensive REST API, Artifactory can support virtually any rule-based cleanup protocol you would want to implement in your organization’s scripts.