AI Adoption: What APAC Leaders Need to Know to Keep Their Software Supply Chain Safe

A recent survey of 300+ IT executives revealed that organizations today face the growing threat of software supply chain attacks, which can cripple operations and damage reputations. In a recent survey, almost a quarter of respondents (23%) reported experiencing some type of software supply chain breach‌ — ‌an alarming increase of 241% from the previous year. Additionally, less than a third (30%) of respondents recognized a vulnerable software supply chain as a top security gap. The cost of inaction includes financial losses, legal repercussions, and a tarnished brand image.

Responses from executives in the APAC region show the highest adoption rate of AI/ML tools integrated in their security scanning and remediation process – 99% compared to 88% in other regions. APAC respondents also reported 88% use of AI/ML assistance in code creation. This suggests a level of enthusiasm for AI/ML in the region that may be contrary to the need for tighter security during software development. 

We look into how misalignment between senior leadership and hands-on staff regarding software supply chain security practices may create the vulnerabilities that malicious actors are eager to exploit. This report equips executives with the knowledge to anticipate threats and implement robust security measures, ensuring your organization remains resilient against cyber-attacks.

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