Customer Case Study: HDFC Bank

The DevSecOps Evolution at HDFC Bank

Lester Fernandes, Vice President of Information Technology at HDFC Bank shares insights on how they keep pace with the changing technological landscape and drive innovation in the highly regulated banking sector. Headquartered in Mumbai, one of India’s leading private banks and the world’s 11th largest bank by market with a nationwide distribution network of 7,821 branches and 19,727 ATMs, Cash Deposit & Withdrawal Machines (CDMs) across 3,811 cities and towns.
The move to adopting agile practices and technological advancement was motivated by their goal to achieve faster time to market. Fernandes explains the three things needed for significant change: upskilling the workforce, cultivating cultural change, and selecting the right tools. Armed with a team trained on the new technological advancements, HDFC Bank broke the mold on how banking was done before and skyrocketed their development processes with the support of the right tools. For tooling, HDFC Bank stored their artifacts and binaries using JFrog Artifactory, later expanding their usage to Xray for security. Features like Contextual Analysis saved their developers time from prioritizing vulnerabilities, freeing them up to focus on continuously enhancing their deployment processes that effectively serve their customers.

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