JFrog Release Lifecycle Management
Release Proven, Trusted Software Faster
Adopt a modern, controlled approach to software releases
while preserving the autonomy of development teams
GovernSeamlessly manage and control every software release |
TrustEnsure the integrity, security, workflow, and approvals of all software releases |
AuditCollect signed evidence of any process taken to mature your software |
THE CHALLENGEThe increasing pace and complexity of development pipelines entangle the modern software release. With no standard to work from, DevOps teams resort to manual workflows or homegrown solutions that can introduce uncertainty and bog down the release process. |
THE SOLUTIONManage the maturation of software consistently with a single trusted system of record. Release Lifecycle Management accelerates consistent software releases, enabling software organizations to ship software they can manage and trust. |
End-to-End Software Release Management
Build globally distributed software with Release Lifecycle Management which gates
release promotion as software matures – and is powered by the JFrog Platform.
Full Control of Software Releases
Ensure integrity and traceability with immutable, tamper-proof release candidates
- Align on a single system of record for all software releases
- Automate with discipline, speed, and trust
- Validate software readiness before release to production
Features and Benefits
Trust of your software release contents and process
Governance that balances flexibility and control
Visibility of every release candidate in a single location
Auditing of software releases made easy
*Requires Enterprise+ subscription
The Leading Platform for Trusted Software
The JFrog Software Supply Chain Platform gives you end-to-end visibility, security, and control for automating the delivery of trusted software releases. JFrog is trusted globally by millions of engineers, IT architects, and security professionals at thousands of enterprises, including 80% of the Fortune 100.
For more information about how you can gain all the benefits from Release Lifecycle Management feel free to take an online tour, schedule a one-on-one demo or visit our help center at your convenience.