
The JFrog DevOpsing Journey @ Checkmarx Meetup (Ramat Gan)

The JFrog DevOpsing Journey

As DevOps engineers, we truly believe that automation is super important. We are humans, and humans make mistakes and we would like to make sure that we are automating our processes as much as possible. In this talk, we are going to show you how we are using K8s in our organization while combining automation relying on DevOps tools and securing the process – all based on our experience.

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Anastasia Grinman

Anastasia Grinman

DevOps Engineer

Anastasia Grinman is a DevOps Engineer at JFrog with a passion for technology. She is an autodidactic technologist, whose experiences range from Automating Processes, teaching Statistics, and sharing her DevOps engineering expertise with others. Anastasia specializes in Microservices, Orchestration, and Cloud-Native development, making it her personal mission to simplify repetitive processes by automating them and making them faster! When she's not "doing DevOps", you can find her traveling with her family, taming her puppy, and cooking exotic meals.

Tal Yitzhak

Tal Yitzhak

DevOps Engineer

Tal Yitzhak is currently a DevOps Engineer at JFrog. He started his career working as a Software Engineer at Intuit, a fin-tech company that develops and sells financial, accounting, and tax preparation software. Tal has worked on different DevOps related projects aside his day-to-day routine, and was responsible to migrate a legacy CI/CD process and write it from scratch while the company was moving using Sonatype Nexus to JFrog Artifactory. Tal's passion is learning and solving and improving big problems for development teams. Over the last year, Tal joined JFrog to bring his experience to other customers in their DevOps Journey while using The Liquid Software Company - JFrog's products and making the vision of liquid software - come true. With the rest of his spare, he enjoys spending time with his friends in Tel-Aviv and working on his MSc in Computer Science; as well as completing the last season of Money Heist. Tal graduated from Ben-Gurion University in the Negev with a degree in Computer Science.