Melissa McKay

Melissa McKay

JFrog Developer Advocate

Melissa is a long-time developer/software engineer turned international speaker and is currently a Developer Advocate for JFrog, Inc., sharing in the mission to improve the developer experience with DevOps methodologies. Her background and experience as a software engineer span a slew of languages, technologies, and tools used in the development and operation of enterprise products and services. She is a mom, Java ChampionDocker Captain, co-author of DevOps Tools for Java Developers, a huge fan of UNconferences, and is always on the lookout for ways to grow and learn. She has spoken at CodeOne, JFokus, Java Dev Day Mexico, the Great International Developer Summit, DockerCon, Kubecon, and is part of the JCrete and JAlba UNconference teams. Given her passion for teaching, sharing, and inspiring fellow practitioners, you are likely to cross paths with her in the conference circuit — both online and off!

The Latest From Melissa McKay

  • JCenter Sunset on August 15th, 2024

    | 5 min read

    JFrog supported the Java community as the host of the JCenter repository for Java OSS libraries, packages and components as part of JFrog’s Bintray service for several years. When Bintray was deprecated on May 1st, 2021, to make way for the development and further advancement of the JFrog Platform, JFrog decided to continue the support…

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  • Live Panel Recap: Women in DevOps

    | 8 min read

    In celebration of International Women’s Day, I had the pleasure of speaking with two incredible female leaders in the software industry on our live panel session, “Women in DevOps: Moments of Leadership and Tech Evolution.” During the conversation with Jyostna Seelam, Senior Manager at Capital One, and Tracy Ragan, CEO of DeployHub, we discussed the…

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  • How to set up a Private, Remote and Virtual Docker Registry

    | 7 min read

    The simplest way to manage and organize your Docker images is with a Docker registry. You need reliable, secure, consistent and efficient access to your Docker images that's shared across your team in a central location, including a place to set up multiple registries that work transparently with the Docker client. There are three different…

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  • Integrating JFrog Artifactory with Amazon SageMaker

    | 15 min read

    Today,  we’re excited to announce a new integration with Amazon SageMaker! SageMaker helps companies build, train, and deploy machine learning (ML) models for any use case with fully managed infrastructure, tools, and workflows. By leveraging JFrog Artifactory and Amazon SageMaker together, ML models can be delivered alongside all other software development components in a modern…

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  • Java 16 Commits to Git and GitHub: A Personal Reflection

    | 9 min read

    A Stroll Down Memory Lane I was introduced to Git and GitHub in May of 2014 – just shy of 10 years since Git was created in 2005. That same day I was also handed a MacBook Pro laptop and an IntelliJ license, the main tools with which I was to begin my new role…

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