The JFrog Journey to Kubernetes: Best Practices for Taking Your Containers All the Way to Production

Kubernetes has become the de facto leading orchestration tool in the market and not only for technology companies but for all companies as it allows you to quickly and predictably deploy your applications, scale them on the fly, seamlessly roll out new features while efficiently utilizing your hardware resources.

The JFrog journey with Kubernetes started when we were seeking a suitable container orchestration solution to spin up a fully functional environment for internal purposes. As we gained confidence in Kubernetes, we acknowledged the value of distributing the JFrog products to Kubernetes while having the ability to run the applications across different staging, development and production environments. Kubernetes also allowed us to better utilize our resources as we no longer were required to spin up a single VM for deploying each product separately.

In this whitepaper, we share our best practices, tips, and lessons learned when taking your containerized applications all the way to production with Kubernetes.

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