
Javascript: Quadtree and its implementation on Maps using D3 @ SingaporeJS

Javascript: Quadtree and its implementation on Maps using D3

Have you noticed in a World map, where, markers are used to represent something? The markers when seen at the beginning appear close between two locations and when zoomed in, appears far away. If the cities are too close it can even overlap each other. It will look ugly isn’t it? In this talk we will explore the Quadtree approach which can be used to search for geometric points in a plane accurately and instantly and how this can be used in clustering.

[Video is from same talk at another Meetup Event]


Guna Narayanan

Guna Narayanan

Front End Engineer

Guna is a Front End Developer working at JFrog India in Bangalore. He started his career with Mindtree as a Junior Engineer. He has experience in many front end frameworks during his term at Mindtree and at Jfrog. He is specialised in Visualisations using D3. He is an open source contributor in Billboard.js which is a JavaScript chart library, based on D3. When he is not coding he is a sports enthusiasts and a gamer.

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