JFrog Connect device management platform new docs

We want our customers to have all the needed information to work with JFrog Connect device management platform out-of-the-box, and here is another great improvement to make everything clearer and smoother when it comes to guidelines and explanations of the platform.

JFrog Connect Docs

The new JFrog Connect documentation is all about making everything easy-as-possible to understand and accomplish. From a quick explanation about each and every tool to guidelines of how to register devices on a big scale project.

Our developers working days and nights to add much more information and explanations that will save your time on the critical deployment stage.

Furthermore, our support team is 24/7 available to answer questions at JFrog Connect live chat, drop us a message!

JFrog Connect is a Software Supply Chain Last Mile IoT platform designed to efficiently update, control and monitor edge and IoT devices at scale.