JFrog Connect Container Updates Tool New Registry Support – AWS ECR

Today we are happy to announce a new integration of JFrog Connect Container Updates tool to AWS ECR (Amazon Elastic Container Registry), the container registry of Amazon Web Services.

The new support enables users to deploy container updates to their Linux-based product fleet from JFrog Connect platform while using AWS ECR as their repository for the product Docker images.

Similar to the Container updates tool support in DockerHub, deployments based on AWS ECR will be pulled with a secure peer-to-peer architecture – between the JFrog Connect device agent and the AWS ECR account.

To connect your AWS ECR account to JFrog Connect, and begin deploying container updates, follow the next steps in JFrog Connect docs ECR integration.

JFrog Connect is a modern Linux-first IoT platform designed to efficiently update, control and monitor edge and IoT devices at scale.