Raspberry Pi for IoT project – is it the right solution?
IoT significant rise has been here for a while together with many ready to use Single Board Computers like the Raspberry Pi. The main reason the IoT industry finds Raspberry Pi as a good platform for building projects is probably because of its ease development cycle. If for example, we will compare the development cycle of two IoT projects where the first uses a custom embedded board and the other uses Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone black or any other ready to use SBC, we will find a few big difference in terms of development time, required expertise and overall costs.
Building a “connected” product with Raspberry Pi enables us to deal just with the application layer, without customizing drivers, Linux kernel or compiling packages.
In most of the times, within one hour of customization you will able to fit Debian, Ubuntu or Raspbian the already works on Raspberry Pi to your specific industrial needs – delete unused packages, adding firewall and more – see our last post about making your Raspberry Pi industrial.
Taking a custom embedded board for IoT project requires more “low-level” customizations that may take 1-2 months until creating a nice, stable Linux based operating system with the right tools and packages for our project.Raspberry Pi makes your IoT project simple and extremely effective for connectivity solutions where you would like to have a fleet of edge devices connected and controlled by your software, doing powerful missions, monitoring sensors or driving touch interface screens.
Building an IoT project running a fleet of edge devices have to be managed and controlled remotely, so you will be able to keep your edge devices software stable and updated with the latest features you and your team developed. All can be done simply with JFrog Connect IoT platform which provides the most important remote tools to deploy, update, monitor and control IoT products that running Linux from cloud IoT platform.
You are more than welcome to open a free account. Right after the registration, you will receive a real Demo Linux device to explore the platform and its features. You can also register your own edge Linux devices.