Lori Lorusso

Lori Lorusso

JFrog Open Source Program Manager

Lori is the Open Source Program Manager for JFrog. She manages the SuperFrogs program and supports the developer advocates at JFrog. She started her devrel career working for an Oracle Users Group and has since expanded her community outreach to the Java and DevOps community. Her enthusiasm and passion for helping developers has contributed to her professional success in the developer ecosphere. She is a co-organizer of VJUG and frequently volunteers to support other JUGs at virtual and in person events.

The Latest From Lori Lorusso

  • swampUP 2023 City Tour: Call for Speakers Is Open

    | 2 min read

    Are you ready for what’s next for DevOps in 2023? If you are, then we have good news for you - the call for speakers for JFrog’s annual user conference, swampUP 2023 City Tour is open! The call for speakers closes March 17, 2023, so now is your time to submit. We can’t wait for…

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  • Foundations and JFrog – Meeting Developers at the Source

    | 6 min read

    TL;DR JFrog is a proud supporter of non-profit, technology foundations and consortiums that focus on helping developers advance the tech ecosystem. If there is one thing I know about JFrog it's that we are committed to developers and making software that enhances productivity, ingenuity and gives software creators the freedom to ‘set it and forget…

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  • Pyrsia: Open Source Software that Helps Protect the Open Source Supply Chain

    | 3 min read

    Stephen Chin is no stranger to having big ideas and implementing them to help the developer community. In the last twenty years he’s been involved in building open source IDEs, bootstrapping rich client libraries, maintaining JVM languages, and cultivating relationships with developers that do the same. He has also authored several books including Raspberry Pi…

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  • Conan Center Celebrates 1,000+ Recipes

    | 2 min read

    We’re delighted to thank the Conan community on reaching a major milestone, the public contribution of over 1,000 Conan recipes to Conan Center, the repository for hosting C/C++ packages! Conan recipes are Python-language files that describe how a Conan package is consumed. Each recipe is used to produce hundreds of C/C++packages, so this is an…

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  • Transformers ‘21: Manisha Sahasrabudhe, Director of Product, JFrog

    | 3 min read

    As we continue our series on JFrog “transformers” in honor of International Programmers Day, we introduce you to Manisha Sahsrabudhe, who transformed  her career as a software programmer focused on code, to becoming an entrepreneur co-founding a continuous delivery company, Shippable,  to Director of Product at JFrog. Shippable, a DevOps automation platform that easily connects DevOps…

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  • Transformers ‘21: Melissa McKay, Developer Advocate, JFrog

    | 5 min read

    As we continue our series on JFrog "transformers" in honor of International Programmers Day, today we meet Melissa McKay, a Developer Advocate on the JFrog Developer Relations team. Melissa’s career has taken her from writing code to presenting her tips and techniques to other developers all over the world. A true transformer, she wears many hats…

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  • International Programmers Day 2021: Celebrating Those on the Front Lines of Digital Transformation

    | 5 min read

    Happy International Day of the Programmer to the coders out there programming our digital world. It is your work and commitment that make the technical community thrive. You create the foundation for the innovations transforming the way we work and live. In honor of International Day of the Programmer and spirit of transformation, we’re going…

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  • Community Update: JFrog SuperFrogs Program

    | 5 min read

    Today I’m proud to publicly announce the JFrog SuperFrogs Program where our SuperFrogs “Deploy: Higher. Further. Faster.”  Their mission is to enhance the lives of developers by demonstrating the power and proficiency you can achieve by using the JFrog DevOps Platform as one of the tools in your developer toolset - regardless of the language…

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  • Take Risks, Ask Questions, Learn Something and Teach It

    | 8 min read

    This article was recently published in eWeek, as part of a series of features about women in the IT business. It all starts with support, whether it was tinkering with a computer at age 4, tunneling with free AOL discs to avoid the “Net Nanny,” or changing majors from electrical engineering to computer science. All of…

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  • The DevOps Community Unites to Fight COVID-19

    | 5 min read

    We are fortunate in the software industry that while COVID-19 can force us to shelter-in-place, it cannot stop software from being deployed. On June 24th and July 1st, thousands of developers and DevOps experts came together in the first-ever virtual swampUP event to learn about software delivery and help in the fight against COVID-19. As…

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