Brian Cox

Brian Cox

Former JFrog Partner and Ecosystem Marketing Manager

Brian lead JFrog’s Partner and Ecosystem Marketing team. In this role, he oversaw strategy and content for JFrog’s Cloud, ISV and Channel partnerships. Brian’s background covers Product Marketing, Strategic Alliances, Product Management, Finance, Sales and Field Service working at fast growth startups to Fortune 500 size IT vendors. Solutions areas where Brian has expertise include Cloud, OLTP, Big Data, Enterprise apps, storage, servers and DevOps.

The Latest From Brian Cox

  • Don’t Miss Out: Highlights from DevOps Cloud Days 2022

    | 6 min read

    If you didn’t attend our recently concluded DevOps Cloud Days online conference, you missed a learning event that those who did called  “fantastic” and “meaningful.” In written feedback, developers, operations staff, and security admins who attended described the presentations as “powerful,” “inspiring” and “excellent.” Fortunately, it wasn’t your last chance to share that fruitful experience…

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  • Simplifying App Deployments for Developers – A Short History from Timesharing to Serverless

    | 11 min read

    I have been in the IT industry for a few decades now and have helped launch waves of technology in the constant pursuit of making computing easier, cheaper and with greater uptime. This all started well before my entry into the IT industry and will continue to well past the time I retire. However, it…

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