RPM Repository

JFrog offers an end-to-end solution covering the full lifecycle of your RPM packages to manage development, vulnerability analysis, artifact flow control and distribution.

RPM Repository Features:

The JFrog Platform


RPM Repositories Wiki


Setting up an RPM repository with JFrog Artifactory in less than one minute

rpm FAQ

How do I configure JFrog Artifactory to host an RPM repository?

To configure an RPM repository in JFrog Artifactory, log in to the Artifactory UI, go to the “Admin” tab, click on “Repositories,” and select “Repositories.” Choose “Local” and then “New.” Select “RPM” from the package type dropdown, and fill in the required fields (like repository name and description) before saving the configuration.

How can I upload RPM packages to JFrog Artifactory?

You can upload RPM packages using the Artifactory web UI or through command-line tools like curl or jfrog-cli. For example, using curl, you can upload an RPM file with the following command:

curl -u : -T “https:///artifactory//.rpm”

Replace the placeholder values with your specific details.

How can I configure my system to use JFrog Artifactory as an RPM repository?

To configure your system, you need to create a .repo file in /etc/yum.repos.d/. An example configuration would look like this:

name=My Artifactory RPM Repository

Replace the placeholder values with your Artifactory details. This configuration allows the yum or dnf commands to access the RPM packages hosted in Artifactory.

Can Artifactory manage versioning for RPM packages?

Yes, JFrog Artifactory can manage versioning for RPM packages. When you upload an RPM with a new version number, Artifactory will handle it as a separate artifact. You can also use the built-in metadata for better management, including tracking dependencies and licenses.

How can I set up permissions for RPM repositories in JFrog Artifactory?

To set up permissions in JFrog Artifactory, go to the “Admin” panel, click on “Permissions,” and create or modify permission targets. Assign necessary users or groups to the RPM repository, specifying read, write, or delete access as needed. This ensures the right individuals have appropriate access to the RPM packages.

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About rpm

The RPM Package Manager (RPM) is a powerful command line driven package management system capable of installing, uninstalling, verifying, querying, and updating computer software packages. Each software package consists of an archive of files along with information about the package like its version, a description, and the like. There is also a library API, permitting advanced developers to manage such transactions from programming languages such as C or Python.