

Was heißt Multi-Cloud?

Was heißt Multi-Cloud?

Multi-Cloud ist eine Art von Cloud-Architektur, bei der ein Unternehmen zwei oder mehr Cloud-Services gleichzeitig nutzt. Zumindest ist das die einfachste Definition von Multi-Cloud. Dieser Artikel erklärt, was Multi-Cloud genau bedeutet, wie ein Multi-Cloud-Setup funktioniert und warum Unternehmen zunehmend Multi-Cloud-Architekturen einsetzen. Was bedeutet Multi-Cloud? Es gibt drei konkrete Varianten, die Multi-Cloud-Architekturen annehmen können: Private / Private:…
Why and How to Run Kubernetes On-Premises

Why and How to Run Kubernetes On-Premises

While Kubernetes is a cloud-native platform, it doesn't have to run in the cloud. On the contrary, Kubernetes can run on-premises just as well as it can in the cloud – and depending on your needs, deploying Kubernetes on-premises may be preferable to cloud-based Kubernetes. On-premises Kubernetes is a Kubernetes environment in which the host…
3 Ways to Build a Multi-Cloud Environment

3 Ways to Build a Multi-Cloud Environment

All multi-cloud environments share one trait in common: They combine resources hosted in one public cloud with resources hosted in at least one other public cloud. But there are various ways to go about building a multi-cloud environment, each with different pros and cons. This article discusses three distinct approaches to setting up a multi-cloud…
How to Prevent Software Supply Chain Attacks

How to Prevent Software Supply Chain Attacks

One of the greatest security threats to organizations today isn’t the software they develop themselves, but rather software that is supplied to them by third parties. That software could be open source libraries, modules or other dependencies that developers integrate into their codebase. It may also take the form of commercial software purchased from third-party…
5 Software Security Best Practices

5 Software Security Best Practices

In a world where cybersecurity breaches are growing steadily in frequency and intensity, software security is a critical consideration for businesses of all types and sizes. Devising a plan for securing software, however, can be a major challenge today. Application architectures are becoming more and more complex as organizations migrate to microservices, multicloud or hybrid…
5 Schritte für effektives Vulnerability Management

5 Schritte für effektives Vulnerability Management

Softwareschwachstellen sind Fehler in einer Software, die von Angreifern ausgenutzt werden können, um die Kontrolle über eine Anwendung zu übernehmen, Daten zu stehlen, den Dienst für Benutzer zu stören oder anderweitig Schaden anzurichten. Aufgrund der Komplexität von Anwendungen und der Umgebungen, in denen sie ausgeführt werden, ist es praktisch unmöglich, das Vorhandensein von Sicherheitslücken in…
EKS Anywhere guide

EKS Anywhere guide

EKS Anywhere is an offering in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) that makes it possible to run AWS’s Kubernetes distribution, Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), on privately owned (self-hosted) infrastructure. EKS itself is a cloud-based Kubernetes service that originally could deploy clusters only on infrastructure that was hosted in the AWS cloud. By introducing EKS Anywhere…
Tips and Tools for Managing Application Security

Tips and Tools for Managing Application Security

Application security is one of the fundamental pillars of overall IT security. Baking security into your application architecture, code and development lifecycle is essential for establishing a strong security posture. This article explains how to do that by identifying the tools and practices that enable strong application security. What is application security? Application security is…
Understanding Open Source Vulnerabilities

Understanding Open Source Vulnerabilities

Incorporating open source libraries, applications, container images or other components into your organization’s own software offers a variety of benefits. It speeds deployment processes, saves development resources and (because open source is usually free to use) may lower licensing costs. However, any team that uses open source as part of its own software stack must…
Sicherheitslücken verstehen

Sicherheitslücken verstehen

Die Verwaltung von Sicherheitslücken ist nicht nur schwierig, weil Schwachstellen schwer zu entdecken sein können, sondern auch, weil es so viele verschiedene Arten von Sicherheitslücken gibt. Zum Glück gibt es Tools und Techniken, die sich mit den verschiedenen Arten von Schwachstellen befassen, die in jeder Ebene Ihres Technologie-Stacks lauern können. Was ist überhaupt eine Sicherheitslücke?…