Yaniv Malka

Yaniv Malka

Former JFrog Software Developer

Yaniv was a Software Developer at JFrog. He started his journey in the development world in the IDF, working as a software engineer at Israeli Air Force. Yaniv is part of the infrastructure development team, his experience involves engagement in the core services of JFrog platform. He is always passionate for programming challenges, improve his knowledge, and learning new technologies.

The Latest From Yaniv Malka

  • Managing Users and Groups with SCIM in the JFrog Platform

    | 6 min read

    When your organization becomes bigger, managing the users and groups lifecycle becomes a significant challenge. Your company grows rapidly, hiring new employees, and giving them access to more and more applications that your organization uses. This means that there are many employee-related actions that need to be taken when an employee changes their team, role,…

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