The Leading DevOps Solutionon AWS

The powerful combination of the JFrog Software Supply Chain Platform on Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides end-to-end visibility, security, and control for automating trusted software releases.

  • Improve developer efficiency
  • Consolidate your tech stack
  • Securely accelerate AI/ML pipelines
  • Seamlessly integrate with AWS services

Experience JFrog on AWS

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Certified by: Certificate 1 Certificate 2 Certificate 3 Certificate 4

The powerful combination of the JFrog Software Supply Chain Platform on Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides end-to-end visibility, security, and control for automating trusted software releases.

  • Improve developer efficiency
  • Consolidate your tech stack
  • Securely accelerate AI/ML pipelines
  • Seamlessly integrate with AWS services

Our Partners:

One Place for Every Build, Artifact, and ML Model

Manage every software artifact and its metadata in a single system, providing unrivaled visibility into your development organization and a single source of truth. JFrog natively supports 30+ package technologies and file types.

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“With Amazon Web Services and JFrog we actually have that winning combination. We can be more competitive to drive innovation on the technology side. Our customer can se new features on an on-going basis.”

Martin Eggenberger, Chief Architect, Monster

Infuse Security Seamlessly
Development Workflows

Shift left without shifting the burden to developers. JFrog offers the only
end-to-end, developer-centric application security solution that puts
DevOps and Security on the same page.

Scale Globally
Clouds and Data Centers

Ensure uninterrupted access and deployment of mission critical container images to dynamic runtime environments. Deploy JFrog anywhere for a highly performant system that handles thousands of users and petabytes of data with HA and failover capabilities.

  • Deployment flexibility with self-hosted, cloud, and hybrid multisite support
  • Active-active high available deployments and failover capabilities ensure performance
  • Federated repositories for automatic bi-directional syncing of assets

Improve Automation and
Eliminate Integration Hassles

Eliminate point solutions and leverage JFrog’s OOTB integrations, CLI, APIs
and plugins to automate every workflow with ease. The JFrog Platform
comes pre-integrated with the AWS services you need.

Maintain a Single Source of Truth from Developer to Production

Ensure traceability by keeping development and production assets in the same system, creating a single uninterrupted line from development to an application running in production.

Experience JFrog on AWS