Secure RabbitMQ with TLS Support on Xray

JFrog Security Documentation

JFrog Xray
Content Type
User Guide


For information on troubleshooting RabbitMQ with TLS, see Troubleshoot RabbitMQ with TLS in Xray.

  1. Generate certificates for RabbitMQ and Xray.


    The name "CN=rabbitmq" (which appears twice in the following code) should be a resolvable DNS, and should be used in the system.yaml file when providing the shared.rabbitMq.url (see step 6 below).

    1. Create Certificate Authority (CA) files.

      #Creates ca-key.pem and ca.csr CA files. These are self-signed.
      openssl req -new -nodes -text -out ca.csr -keyout ca-key.pem -subj "/CN=certificate-authority"
    2. Sign the CA private key, ca-key.pem, and create the related CA certificate.

      openssl x509 -req -in ca.csr -text -extfile /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf -extensions v3_ca -signkey ca-key.pem -out ca-cert.pem
    3. Create the RabbitMQ private key (server-key.pem) and certificate signing request file(server.csr).

      openssl req -new -nodes -text -out server.csr -keyout server-key.pem -subj "/CN=rabbitmq"
    4. Create a signed RabbitMQ public key (server-cert.pem).

      openssl x509 -req -in server.csr -text -CA ca-cert.pem -CAkey ca-key.pem -CAcreateserial -out server-cert.pem
    5. Create Xray client key (client-key.pem) and certificate signing request file (client.csr).

      openssl req -new -nodes -text -out client.csr -keyout client-key.pem -subj "/CN=rabbitmq"
    6. Create Xray client certificate file.

      openssl x509 -req -in client.csr -text -CA ca-cert.pem -CAkey ca-key.pem -CAcreateserial -out client-cert.pem
  2. Create the certs directories under $JFROG_HOME/xray/var/data/server and$JFROG_HOME/xray/var/data/rabbitmq.

    mkdir $JFROG_HOME/xray/var/data/server/certs
    mkdir $JFROG_HOME/xray/var/data/rabbitmq/certs
  3. Copy the ca and server certificates to $JFROG_HOME/xray/var/data/rabbitmq/certs and $JFROG_HOME/xray/var/data/server/certs respectively.

    Docker Compose

    ls -ltr <mounted directory>/xray/var/data/server/certs/
    total 3
    -rw-r--r-- 1 xray xray 1127 Oct 11 15:55 ca-cert.pem
    -rw-r--r-- 1 xray xray  993 Oct 11 15:55 client-cert.pem
    -rw-r--r-- 1 xray xray 1704 Oct 11 15:55 client-key.pem

    RPM / DEB

    ls -ltr /opt/jfrog/xray/var/data/server/certs/
    total 3
    -rw-r--r-- 1 xray xray 1127 Oct 11 15:55 ca-cert.pem
    -rw-r--r-- 1 xray xray  993 Oct 11 15:55 client-cert.pem
    -rw-r--r-- 1 xray xray 1704 Oct 11 15:55 client-key.pem

    Linux Archive

    ls -ltr JFROG_HOME/xray/var/data/server/certs/
    total 3
    -rw-r--r-- 1 xray xray 1127 Oct 11 15:55 ca-cert.pem
    -rw-r--r-- 1 xray xray  993 Oct 11 15:55 client-cert.pem
    -rw-r--r-- 1 xray xray 1704 Oct 11 15:55 client-key.pem
    cp ca-cert.pem server-cert.pem server-key.pem $JFROG_HOME/xray/var/data/rabbitmq/certs
    cp ca-cert.pem client-cert.pem client-key.pem $JFROG_HOME/xray/var/data/server/certs

    For Self-signed Certificates Only

    To ensure that the client trusts self-signed certificates (only), you will need to perform the following steps according to the OS you are using.

    For Docker

    You will need to mount a root ca bundle into each Xray container:

          - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
          - "${ROOT_DATA_DIR}/var:/var/opt/jfrog/xray"
          - /opt/jfrog/xray/app/third-party/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-root-ca.crt:/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

    For Linux Archive/Native OS: Debian 8/9/10, Ubuntu 16/18/20

    Copy your root certificate into /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ and then run the update-ca-certificates command.

    # cp rabbitmq-root-ca.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
    # update-ca-certificates
    Updating certificates in /etc/ssl/certs...
    1 added, 0 removed; done.
    Running hooks in /etc/ca-certificates/update.d...Adding debian:rabbitmq-root-ca.pem

    For Linux Archive/Native OS: CentOS 6/7/8, RHEL 6/7/8

    Copy your root certificate into /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ and then run the update-ca-trust command.

    # cp rabbitmq-root-ca.crt /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/
    # update-ca-trust

    Note that on CentOS 6/RHEL 6 you will have to run an additional command - update-ca-trust force-enable.

    After you add your own root certificate into the system bundle - you can verify the certificate with the following command:

    # openssl verify -verbose /opt/jfrog/xray/var/data/server/certs/rabbitmq-client.crt
    /opt/jfrog/xray/var/data/server/certs/rabbitmq-client.crt: OK
    # openssl verify -verbose /opt/jfrog/xray/var/data/rabbitmq/certs/rabbitmq-server.crt
    /opt/jfrog/xray/var/data/rabbitmq/certs/rabbitmq-server.crt: OK
    Otherwise we will get the error
    # openssl verify -verbose /opt/jfrog/xray/var/data/server/certs/rabbitmq-client.crt
    /opt/jfrog/xray/var/data/server/certs/rabbitmq-client.crt: CN = rabbitmq
    error 20 at 0 depth lookup:unable to get local issuer certificate
    # openssl verify -verbose /opt/jfrog/xray/var/data/rabbitmq/certs/rabbitmq-server.crt
    /opt/jfrog/xray/var/data/rabbitmq/certs/rabbitmq-server.crt: CN = rabbitmq
    error 20 at 0 depth lookup:unable to get local issuer certificate
  4. Modify the certificate permissions for the RabbitMQ user.

    Docker Compose

    chown -R 999:999 <mounted directory>/xray/var/data/rabbitmq/certs

    DEB / RPM

    chown -R xray:xray /opt/jfrog/xray/var/data/rabbitmq/certs

    Linux Archive

    ## default user and group is xray:xray
    chown -R <xray user>:<xray group> JFROG_HOME/xray/var/data/rabbitmq/certs
  5. Modify the certificate permissions for the Xray user.

    Docker Compose

    chown -R 1035:1035 <mounted directory>/xray/var/data/server/certs

    RPM / DEB

    chown -R xray:xray /opt/jfrog/xray/var/data/server/certs/

    Linux Archive

    ## default user and group is xray:xray
    chown -R <xray user>:<xray group> JFROG_HOME/xray/var/data/server/certs/
  6. Modify /opt/jfrog/xray/var/etc/system.yaml under shared.rabbitmq, according to your configuration. Do not overwrite existing lines in the file

            url: amqps://localhost:5671
            certCaFilePath: "/opt/jfrog/xray/var/data/server/certs/ca-cert.pem"
            certFilePath: "/opt/jfrog/xray/var/data/server/certs/client-cert.pem"
            certKeyFilePath: "/opt/jfrog/xray/var/data/server/certs/client-key.pem"
            autoStop: true
                    - name: ssl_options.cacertfile
                      value: /opt/jfrog/xray/var/data/rabbitmq/certs/ca-cert.pem
                    - name: ssl_options.certfile
                      value: /opt/jfrog/xray/var/data/rabbitmq/certs/server-cert.pem
                    - name: ssl_options.keyfile
                      value: /opt/jfrog/xray/var/data/rabbitmq/certs/server-key.pem
                    - name: ssl_options.verify
                      value: verify_peer
                    - name: ssl_options.fail_if_no_peer_cert
                      value: false
                    - name: management.listener.ssl
                      value: true
                    - name: listeners.ssl.default
                      value: 5671
                    - name: listeners.tcp
                      value: none

    Replace <rabbitmq-password> with your own RabbitMQ password. If you use a different user in RabbitMQ, replace the guest user with your own user in the shared.rabbitMq.url value.

  7. Create a JSON file with the following content to enable the TLS connection to RabbitMQ in Xray using the REST API.Xray REST APIs

        "sslInsecure": false,
        "maxDiskDataUsage": 80,
        "monitorSamplingInterval": 300,
        "mailNoSsl": false,
        "messageMaxTTL": 7,
        "jobInterval": 86400,
        "allowSendingAnalytics": true,
        "httpsPort": 443,
        "enableTlsConnectionToRabbitMQ": true,
        "httpClientMaxConnections": 50,
        "httpClientMaxIdleConnections": 20,
        "jsFilesBatch": 20
  8. Run the REST API call using the JSON file you created in the previous step to enable the TLS connection to RabbitMQ in Xray.Xray REST APIs

    curl -u<username>:<password> -d @<your_json_file>.json -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT http://<artifactory_url>/xray/api/v1/configuration/systemParameters

    Replace <username> and <password> with an admin user and password credentials for Artifactory, the <your_json_file>.json with the name of the JSON file you created in the previous step and the <artifactory_url> with the actual Artifactory URL address.

    Run the following steps to enable the TLS connection to RabbitMQ in Xray if you use Docker Compose.

    Docker Compose

    cd  <path to extracted compose directory>/jfrog-xray-<version>-compose/
    ## Export the TLS port in the docker-compose-rabbitmq.yaml (docker-compose.yaml for older versions of 3.x) and add under services -> rabbitmq -> ports.
    - 5671:5671
    # Restart RabbitMQ services
    docker-compose -p xray-rabbitmq -f docker-compose-rabbitmq.yaml down
    docker-compose -p xray-rabbitmq -f docker-compose-rabbitmq.yaml up -d
  9. Restart Xray services.

    Docker Compose

    docker-compose -p xray -f docker-compose.yaml down
    docker-compose -p xray -f docker-compose.yaml up -d

    RPM / DEB

    systemctl stop xray.service
    systemctl start xray.service
    ## For Centos 6 and RHEL 6
    # service xray stop
    # service xray start 

    Linux Archive

    /opt/jfrog/xray/bin/ stop
    /opt/jfrog/xray/bin/ start 
  10. After Xray services are up and running, you can verify if RabbitMQ is accessible through https://<xray-ipaddress-or-hostname>:15672.