JFrog Xray Partner Integrations
The JFrog Platform has evolved tremendously in the last year and our JFrog Xray security features have become one of the most prominently used parts of the evolving Artifactory ecosystem. Come learn how JFrog’s Partner Team is integrating security features into your favorite third-party tools including:
- Individual CVE alerts and Summary security cards in Microsoft Teams channels
- Xray Violation data in ServiceNow Lightstep so teams can prioritize and escalate
- Xray Spoke with actions in ServiceNow FlowDesigner to automate the creation of violation reports, create ignore rules, add custom item properties, and more to mitigate security
- Hashicorp Terraform can configure and create all the repositories, settings, users, groups, projects, and Xray watches and policies
Join us each month and learn more about JFrog Xray’s capabilities during our live group demo. Register now >