Target Key Threats:
Secure Exploitable Vulnerabilities

Improve software release efficiency and security by pinpointing accuracy on critical AND relevant CVEs you must fix. Our secrets detection capability ensures your sensitive information remains protected.

  • Focus on software vulnerabilities that pose critical and relevant risks.
  • Streamline vulnerability prioritization and accelerate application development.
  • Scan to determine code and configuration violations. 
  • Meticulously scan binaries and code that expose sensitive information, such as API keys and passwords.

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Certified by: Certificate 1 Certificate 2 Certificate 3 Certificate 4

Improve software release efficiency and security by pinpointing accuracy on critical AND relevant CVEs you must fix. Our secrets detection capability ensures your sensitive information remains protected.

  • Focus on software vulnerabilities that pose critical and relevant risks.
  • Streamline vulnerability prioritization and accelerate application development.
  • Scan to determine code and configuration violations. 
  • Meticulously scan binaries and code that expose sensitive information, such as API keys and passwords.

Our Partners:

See How Contextual Analysis and Secrets Detection
Allow You to:

  • Target only the vulnerabilities that genuinely threaten your software.
  • Prioritize critical security issues to optimize your efforts.
  • Discover how our Secrets Detection rigorously secures exposed sensitive data.
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“The capabilities of Artifactory are what allow us to do what we can do today…With Xray, [security] is a no-brainer
– it’s built in, just turn it on, wow! I’ll take that all day long.”

Larry Grill,
DevSecOps Sr. Manager, Hitachi Vantara

Prioritize, Resolve, and Secure

  • Prioritize Actionable Threats: Focus resources on vulnerabilities that directly impact your security posture.
  • Resolve Issues Efficiently: Quickly address critical vulnerabilities with targeted remediation strategies.
  • Secure Sensitive Data: Protect your most valuable assets from unauthorized access with advanced secrets detection. Detect and protect secrets in both source code and binaries.

Experience Contextual Analysis and
Secrets Detection with a Free Tour

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