Scan a Local Docker Image, All From Your Command-Line!

Easily see vulnerabilities in your scan results of your Docker images or local files, in less than 3 minutes!


Just follow these 3 easy steps:


Already have a JFrog environment?

1. Install JFrog CLI:

2. Connect JFrog CLI to your JFrog environment by running the following command:

jf c add   


MacOS and Linux Users

1. Set up the JFrog CLI by running this command:

curl -fL "" | sh 

2. Connect to a JFrog free cloud environment by signing up.

3. Run the following command to scan any Docker image on your local machine.

jf docker scan <image name>:<image tag>   

*NOT ONLY DOCKER IMAGES: Run on other package types to see Xray scan results with this command: jf scan path/to/file <file name>:<file tag>


Windows Users

1. Set up the JFrog CLI by running this command:

powershell "Start-Process -Wait -Verb RunAs powershell '-NoProfile iwr[RELEASE]/jfrog-cli-windows-amd64/jf.exe -OutFile $env:SYSTEMROOT\system32\jf.exe'" ; jf setup

2. Connect to a JFrog free cloud environment by signing up.

3. Run the following command to scan any Docker image on your local machine.

jf docker scan <image name>:<image tag>   

*NOT ONLY DOCKER IMAGES: Run on other package types to see Xray scan results with this command: jf scan path/to/file <file name>:<file tag>


See if there are any vulnerabilities in your Docker image or an open source dependency right in your CLI.

Docker Image Scan example via Jfrog CLI Tool

Get even more from JFrog Xray!