Description: Restores violations that were ignored by an Ignore Rule by violation ID
Applicable Environment: JFrog SaaS, Self-Hosted
Since: 3.16
Security: Requires a valid user with the "Manage Watches" permission
Usage: POST /xray/api/v1/violations/restore
Consumes: application/JSON
Produces: application/JSON
Path Parameter: None
Query Parameter: None
Request Body:
Name | Type | Required/Optional | Description |
| array[string] | Required | Array of violation IDs to be restored |
Request Example:
{ "ids": ["id1", "id2"] }
Successful Response Example:
400 Bad Request { "error":"Violation 1759481118802235392 was not found or is not ignored" }
Response Codes:
Status Code | Description |
200 | OK |
400 | Bad request - Required fields are missing |
403 | Permission denied |
404 | Not found |
500 | Internal server error |