Compare Builds


JFrog Xray
Content Type

Description: Compares two builds and produces the difference between them

Security: Requires a valid user with the "Read" permission

Usage: POST /dependencyGraph/buildDelta

Consumes: application/json

Artifactory ID

The artifactory_id parameter is no longer required in Xray version 3.x, this parameter (also within a path) will be ignored.

 "source_artifactory_id":"<First instance name>",
 "source_build_name":"<First build name>",
 "source_build_number":"<First build number>",
 "target_artifactory_id":"<Second instance name>",
 "target_build_name":"<Second build name>",
 "target_build_number":"<Second build number>"

Produces: application/json

    "name": "<The name of the source build we are comparing>",
    "path": "<artifactory-name/repo-name/path>",
    "pkg_type": "<Package type>",
    "sha256": "<Build's SHA256 checksum>",
    "component_id": "<Build's component ID>",
    "name": "<The name of the target build we are comparing>",
    "path": "<artifactory-name/repo-name/path>",
    "pkg_type": "<Package type>",
    "sha256": "<Build's SHA256 checksum>",
    "component_id": "<Build's component ID>",
      "component_name":"<Component name only found in source build>",
      "component_id":"<Dependency Component ID only found in source build>",
      "package_type":"<Dependency component package type>",
      "version":"<Dependency component version>",
      "created":"<ISO8601 (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ)>",
      "modified":"<ISO8601 (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ)>"
      "component_name":"<Component name only found in target build>",
      "component_id":"<Dependency Component ID only found in target build>",
      "package_type":"<Dependency component package type>",
      "version":"<Dependency component version>",
      "created":"<ISO8601 (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ)>",
      "modified":"<ISO8601 (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ)>",
      "component_name":"<Component name only found in both builds>",
      "component_id":"<Dependency Component ID only found in both builds>",
      "package_type":"<Dependency component package type>",
      "version":"<Dependency component version>",
      "created":"<ISO8601 (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ)>",
      "modified":"<ISO8601 (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ)>",

Sample Usage:

POST /dependencyGraph/buildDelta
    "name": "my-build",
      "path": "art2/ext-release-local/",
      "pkg_type": "Generic",
      "sha256": "d160c68ed8879ae42756e159daec1dd7ecfd53b6192321656b72715e20d46dd2",
      "component_id": "gav://"
    "name": "my-build",
      "path": "art2/ext-release-local/",
      "pkg_type": "Generic",
      "sha256": "d160c68ed8879ae42756e159daec1dd7ecfd53b6192321656b72715e20d46dd2",
      "component_id": "gav://"
  " removed":[

Response Codes:200: Success

400: The build with the provided identifier doesn't exist or isn't indexed in Xray

401: Bad credentials

415: Failed to parse request