Import a Release Bundle (v1) Version in the UI

JFrog Distribution Documentation

JFrog Distribution
Content Type
User Guide


Importing Release Bundles requires Admin permissions.

To import a Release Bundle on the target Artifactory instance:

  1. Access the target Artifactory and copy the <Release Bundle Name>.zip to the local machine.

  2. From the Application module, navigate to the Release Bundles | Distribution | Received.



    From Distribution release 2.14, the following UI changes have been made:

    • A filter search has been added to enable you to search for a specific release bundle by name or by latest version.

    • The total count for Received Release Bundles is also displayed in the UI.

  3. Click + Import.

    This displays the Import Release Bundle dialog.

  4. You can now select an import file using one of the following methods:

    1. Import directly from your local drive using the Files option.

    2. Import the Release Bundle from a predefined path location.

      Prerequisite: Save your Release Bundle in the root of your user-defined ARTIFACTORY_HOME/var/data/artifactory/import/ folder.

      Note that as part of storage optimization, the file will automatically be deleted from the /imports folder after the Release Bundle has been successfully imported.

      Importing Release Bundles in an HA Cluster Environement

      In an HA environment, you have an option to save the exported Release Bundle on a different node in the cluster as long as the Release Bundle is saved in the root of the /import folder.

      import_release_Bundly by path.png
  5. Click Import.

  6. A progress bar displays the import process.

    advance bar for importing RB.png

    The imported Release Bundle is added to the Received tab.